Our Business Model

Our business is about improving people’s mobility so they can live a Life Without Limitations®.

We develop and manufacture a wide range of prosthetic, neuro orthotic and bracing & supports solutions in addition to serving patients in need of various mobility solutions in our patient care facilities across the globe.

Business Model


The patients we serve include people with lower and upper limb loss due to, for example, vascular diseases including diabetes, as well as cancer, trauma and congenital defects. They also include individuals who require off-the-shelf or customized orthotic solutions as they may have mobility impairment due to neurological conditions, developed osteoarthritis in knee or hip ligaments, have musculoskeletal conditions present at birth or caused by illness or injury, or require enhanced healing post-surgery or due to injuries.

Prosthetics End-Users
Causes for Lower Limb Amputations

New major lower limb amputees per year

Causes for Upper Limb Amputations
> 25,000

New upper limb amputees per year


of new amputees are fitted
with prosthetic solutions


is the average age
of the amputee population

Source: Embla Medical Management estimates

Prosthetics End-Users
Source: Embla Medical Management estimates

The main cause for lower limb amputation is vascular related diseases. Based on market data, it is however evident that the proportion of people living with limb absence due to trauma, cancer and congenital defects is higher than the incidence rate would suggest. The reason being that the average life expectancy of people with lower limb loss due to vascular related disease is shorter than of those with limb absence due to other causes. This underscores the potential opportunities in catering to the needs of chronic patients that need lifelong service and why 70-80% of Patient Care is recurring revenue.

Our industry-leading brands Össur, Fior & Gentz and College Park develop prosthetics, neuro orthotics and bracing & supports solutions, from an idea to a finished product.


Embla Medical develops and manufactures prosthetic, neuro orthotic and bracing & supports solutions, from an idea to a finished product. With every product, the aim is to deliver cost effective medical solutions that provide value for patients and the healthcare system. To obtain independent clinical evidence for product outcomes as well as health economic data, Embla Medical initiates and promotes clinical studies in cooperation with leading scientists, institutions, and healthcare professionals in the field.

As part of our ambition to be at the forefront of innovation and new technology, we participate in externally funded projects, collaborating with partners from industry and academia alike. We take part in various projects where world class scientists are involved in cutting edge research. This enables us to join forces in shaping the technology of the future with the mission of improving people’s mobility.

Manufacturing and Quality

Embla Medical maintains a strong global manufacturing function. At Embla Medical, there is a continuous strive for efficiency, which includes finding ways to optimize the manufacturing process and investments have been made to make the manufacturing platform increasingly scalable.

Manufacturing of prosthetic solutions takes place in Iceland, Scotland, United States and Mexico. Neuro orthotics are manufactured in Germany, and manufacturing of bracing solutions takes place in Mexico with outsourcing of soft goods to China. We also operate a few smaller manufacturing facilities in select countries.

We place great emphasis on quality, which is an intrinsic part of our processes. Embla Medical entities maintain certified Quality Management Systems (QMS) based on ISO standards, ensuring compliance with applicable medical device regulations in the countries where we operate.

Sales and Marketing

Products are delivered to users of our products and solutions through healthcare providers who specialize in assisting individuals who suffer from impaired mobility. In Prosthetics and Neuro Orthotics, these customers are Orthotic & Prosthetic (O&P) clinics and in Bracing & Supports, it is a combination of O&P clinics, hospitals, and surgery centers. Our customers claim reimbursement from private or public insurance as Embla Medical’s products and services are in most cases reimbursed. We have operations in 36 countries and largely sell our products through our own direct sales network.

Patient Care

Embla Medical products are serviced through a global network of patient care clinics. Moreover, in selected countries, Embla Medical manages its own Patient Care facilities under the ForMotion brand. Each location is staffed by expert clinicians and highly skilled mobility professionals. The clinics help people with limb loss or limb difference, and those in need of gait and musculoskeletal support - improving their mobility and quality of life.

Prescribers and Payers

Prescribers include healthcare professionals who prescribe products and services based on the clinical indication of their patients. These include orthopaedic surgeons, non-surgical physicians, rehabilitation, and emergency physicians as well as other professionals providing medical diagnosis. Payers include healthcare systems, insurance companies and individuals. In most cases, when an individual has been fitted with a product, Embla Medical’s customers claim reimbursement from the relevant public institutions or private insurance companies. Around 90% of Embla Medical’s product sales and services are estimated to be reimbursed by a third party. Generally, Embla Medical’s sales in the developed markets are mostly reimbursed while sales in emerging markets are mostly paid out-of-pocket.